Muay Thai - CQC - MMA It’s What we do.
No matter who you are, where you live or where you go, being able to protect yourself is your responsibility. At New World Combat we will help you achieve that goal and many others. From Beginner to Professional our classes will guide you on your path of martial studies while maintaining a tradition of discipline, honor and respect. Whether Civilian, Law Enforcement or Military, we have the training you need.
Muay Thai
Thinking about getting in shape or maybe fighting competitively? Discover Thai Boxing with New World Combat and participate in something more than just another workout.
Close Quarter Combat
Real Combat. Real Defense. Join us at New World Combat and go beyond tradition into the world of modern, tactical combat. Hone your skills with scenario driven training in empty hand, knife, stick and firearm.
Mixed Martial Arts
Train hard. Fight harder. Check out our MMA/Freestyle Submission Wrestling classes and learn to dominate your opponents. With World class striking, strong takedown defense and excellent top control you’ll learn what it really takes to be the best.