Opening the Doors... Again

The time has come to begin gradually opening some businesses here in Texas and on the 19th of May, that includes New World Combat. The instructions from the State have been very clear as to what safety measures we are all supposed to continue to practice. Here at NWC we intend to comply fully with the State’s safety measures as well as some of our own in order to ensure the safety of our guests, community and families. By now we all understand or should understand that things are different and they are going to be different for some time. It will pass eventually though and we will get through this. We hope you understand the measures we are taking and also the fact that they are temporary. As things continue to improve, we will make all the appropriate changes to bring you the full NWC experience that you have grown to know. In the meantime let’s do this and let’s do this together. The best way that we can.

The details for our opening are as follows:

1. Classes start again on Tuesday the 19th of May.

2. ALL classes will be ALL levels Muay Thai (there will be no thai pads, sparring, grappling or partner drills).

3. Classes will be 45 minutes long.

4. Classes will consist of bag work, shadow boxing and conditioning.

5. There will be 3 classes each night.

6. There will be 7 spots per class and YOUR SPOT MUST BE RESERVED. Scheduling will go “live” on Sunday the 17th at 5:00pm central time. At that point you can schedule at your own discretion moving forward.

7. Students will head to the New World Combat website and click on the “Scheduling” tab on the home page. Choose the day and time you would like to train and enter name and email to reserve your spot. Students are asked to only reserve one spot per day for right now please. You may reserve more than 1 day per week however. The gym will only be open on the days seen on our scheduling calendar. You must reserve a spot for each class you wish to attend.

8. When arriving for class, students are asked to please wait in their vehicle until they see the “really bright green neon cactus” turned on in doorway. At which point, you may proceed to enter the gym for your session. Please be respectful and maintain appropriate social distancing at all times.

9. Upon entering you will be greeted by a coffee table offering masks, gloves and hand sanitizer. Masks are encouraged but not mandatory. If you take a mask, please try to keep a hold of it as masks are in limited supply. Gloves are there should anyone like to have them.

10. Upon the completion of a class, we ask that students try to gather their things and begin to head out. Keeping socializing to a minimum unfortunately. This will allow us to complete the necessary cleaning.

11. Prior to the first class and in between every class: All bags, jump ropes, any equipment and mats will be sanitized. Rest assured that NWC has sourced and stocked the highest quality Virucidal and Anti-bacterial cleaning agents. We take yours and the Community’s health seriously. As well as our own.

The above listed are the majority of the details needed to share with students in order to get things under way. I’m sure there will be a few kinks here and there and we hope that you understand during this time of transition and adaptation. We will continue to tweak things out to the best of our abilities in our effort to bring you the best in Muay Thai, CQC and MMA here in the Metroplex.

Please be aware that we will continue to offer streaming classes on Twitch . Those streams will gradually cover more and more material as we start to incorporate partner drills in them.

On a side note, in case anyone was wondering, our heavy bags are just over 6ft apart.

Well, that’s about it folks. I and many others are looking forward to this moment and we hope it transitions well. We have missed everyone and are truly grateful of the support we have received from all of you over these last months. Because of so many of you, we have been relatively stable here at our home. I thank you all and I will never forget that. Once again, it has been and will continue to be my pleasure and honor and privilege to teach and share what we do at NWC with all of you past and present. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!

with the utmost sincerity,
