2 Decades

For twenty years we ran the hills nearby. We jogged the trail and the roads. We shadow boxed in the rain. We bled and sweat and created champions. My son learned to walk there. There have been tears and laughter. Countless kicks and dreams. There has been discipline and honor and maybe even a few lives made safer. There have been great friends made.

That era of New World Combat has come to an end.

We have been forced not by choice but rather by one man’s desire to utilize the facility for his personal storage space. We were given three months notice to relocate a business that had been on site for 20 years. No increase in rent was offered to us. No extended relocation time. While we have certainly been late on rent a few times over twenty years, all debts have always been paid. This occurrence isn’t on our shoulders. Far be it for me to guess what may have motivated said individual but I do know that the original owner would not have dismissed what we have done for the community over 20 years as a tenant.

And so, as you can imagine, we have been working hard to satisfy all of our clients and their needs. We will never forget those that love the feel of the gym and those that love the location. We will not sacrifice the quality of what we do here. It has been a bit stressful to say the least.

We have succeeded.

Beginning in January after our Holiday closure, we will start again. In a new home. At just 2.9 miles away and even more centrally located, we will be calling 2608 Weisenberger Street our new home. Located just one street north of the Montgomery Ward shopping center in the newly developed “Foundry” district, we will be joining along side locally owned businesses such as; Doc’s Records, Cowtown Marathon, M&O Grill and Craftwork Coffee. The drive is just minutes from our current location and may be even closer for many of you.

We would be honored to continue serving the Metroplex and all of our existing clientele at our new facility. We hope that our new location satisfies everyone’s needs. We have tried our best to make it so. The place is cool. You will have more open space to train. Of course plenty of heavy bags. A boxing ring and MMA cage. Plus, access to 2 restrooms and 1 public shower. There will be space for more weights and cardio machines. Expect to see more climbing and gymnast type gear and we hope to utilize some turf for even more exercise opportunities. There will be more classes and a more diverse schedule plus plenty of parking. And in case you were wondering, the gym will still be “Rated M for Mature”. Please leave basic at the door.

It is with great thanks to Erik Coslik of Woodmont Company and Susan Gruppi, Jessica Miller and Melanie Goeders of M2G Ventures that this opportunity has been made possible. Thank you all.

Please feel free to read about “The Foundry” https://thefoundrydistrictfw.com/ or check out our location and even drive by and see what it looks like. We ask only that you respect our schedule over the next few weeks while we finish preparing the location just for you. As soon as we can let people inside to take a look, we will let you know.

Thank you again to all past and existing members of New World Combat. Please help spread the word over the next few weeks. Ask me any questions you may have via email or in class. We want you to be as excited as we are.

With great respect and love,

Francisco Zambrano - New World Combat

Bugzy Malone - Moving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg90Okk0fhw